7 Tips & Tricks to improve your IELTS score

IELTS (International English Language) is one of the globally accepted English Language Proficiency tests that help individuals to prove themselves with an acquired score. There are two types of IELTS i.e. Academic and General and you have to choose this according to your requirement. Most of the countries require IELTS as an English proficiency proof which defines your level.
Now here the question comes, is it easy to score good in IELTS? And the answer to this question cannot be simply defined as it totally depends upon your level of English. If you are good at English then it wouldn’t be a big deal for you but if you are a person with struggling English language skills then you have to work hard to improve your IELTS score.
Now let’s explore the tips and tricks which can help you score high in your IELTS test.
1. Practice makes the person perfect

The most popular and commonly used quote ‘Practice makes the person perfect’ plays a major role in improving your IELTS score. Whatever be your goal is but scoring good will surely open new opportunities to explore. Both in academics and General IELTS, you have to practice to learn the pattern and to get familiar with the type of questions and topic which will help you in time management at the time of exam.
2. Grow your network

In order to improve your speaking and listening skills, it is very important to get in touch with more English speaking people with whom you can talk and learn the fluency. Living in such environment will automatically help you to develop your language skills.
3. Book your IELTS test in small city

This might sound quite weird but yes it makes a slight difference in your IELTS score. You must have heard about ‘A Figure among Cyphers’ which goes well when you perform slightly better as compared to other students in small city. The competition level in small cities is quite less when compared to metro cities. So, you can consider this trick while booking your IELTS exam.
4. Be Consistent throughout your preparation

It takes time when you are targeting a specific goal and it is important to be consistent with your preparation. Being regular will help you to inform about the new updates in the market. Your preparation should be focused on every module because overall score matters. You cannot simply ignore any of the modules so make sure that despite of having good communication skills, you can affect your overall score if you don’t score good in writing, reading or listening.
5. Enrich your vocabulary

Good Vocabulary will add richness to both your speech and to your writing skills. Even it would also help you in improving reading and listening modules. Through this, you will easily understand and identify the words and will perform better in your IELTS exam. There are various sources through which you can improve your vocabulary such as reading newspapers, watching English shows and etc.
6. Make mirror your best friend

‘Mirror always tells the truth’; therefore it is recommended that you should practice in front of a mirror as there will be no hesitation and fear of being judged. This would not only boost up your confidence level but will also help you to improve yourself in every way. Somewhere you will realize the benefit and will make you more comfortable in public speaking.
7. Take Expert Guidance

Expert Guidance is required to improve your IELTS score because their experience and knowledge will also assess your areas of improvement. Hence, you should always find out the best IELTS Preparation Center in Delhi so that you can achieve your set goals and attain a desired IELTS score at first attempt.
The tips and tricks that we have mentioned above will be helpful for you to make your study abroad and settle in abroad dreams come true. Although, achieving 7 + bands in IELTS is quite competitive but not impossible so your hard work and practice will result in true accomplishments.